Wuffy says he likes his new teacher and class. We had been trying to prepare him for the chnage that he would face jumping to year 2 and I think we over did it. In reception class it’s all about play with short carpet sessions for the focussed learning. Whereas the year 2 class involves sitting at a designated table and I suspect more direct teaching, we had warned him about this several times because we knew it would be a big change. After his first day he said it wasn’t too bad he didn’t have to sit at the table all day (as he thought he might) but that they were able to get up and play :).  On Thursday he came home and said he had to read to his teacher and she was impressed with him!! He brought his reading book home on Friday so clearly they are geting straight into reading.  also on Friday he had a sticker on his top which said “Bon effort” he had had his first ever French lesson.  He said he really liked his new class 🙂